38434 W Yermo Rd, Yermo, CA 92398
Just a few feet from Lee’s Tavern, Tita’s Burger Den is famous as the original location of the first Del Taco. Nearby Barstow, California, hosts the longest-running, continuously-operating Del Taco still in existence for those Del Taco purists among us, but the no-frills appeal of Tita’s Burger Den is potent too. Burgers are served here, obviously, but so too are tacos and burritos thanks to the space’s Del Taco-based roots. The structure itself is little more than a squat building with sun shade perched over a limited set of picnic tables. Tita’s Burger Den looks exactly like what it is, a walk-up taco and burger spot in the middle of nowhere. For those making the Los Angeles to Las Vegas drive on a weekend, know that Tita’s Burger Den is closed Saturday and Sunday.